Every ten years my extended family gathers for a reunion in Barnes Wisconsin! Its the middle of nowhere and a beautiful setting for family fun and relaxation. With tons of little ones running around there wasn’t as much relaxation as ten years prior – but definitely a lot of fun! I have a zillllllion photos but just wanted to share a few of the cuties that were with us. I’m so blessed to be a BABLER and to be a part of this family line. Our family stands on faith, fun, and well (to be honest) food! There was never a dull moment and never an empty tummy. Enjoy these “mug shots” of the next generation of Bablers!
The Reveley Boys (Carl Babler Family)

The Babler Girls (Tom Babler Family)

The Jacobson Boys (Carl Babler Family)

The Bathan’s (Tom Babler Family)

The Babler Kids (Carl Babler Family)

The Scheiders (Trish (Babler) Scheider Family)

My Family!

Our last day at Wilderness Lodge!